Monday, April 4, 2011

Back at it!

Whew, still trying to balance everything. I can't even find time to blog about what I'm doing!

So I spent the weekend in the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area, and got just one run in, and it was not a good one at that. My scheduled 12-miler got cut short to just a 6 miler. There's something about being out of your element that makes things seem harder. It was a good reminder for what will come at the Lonestar Half Ironman this weekend in Galveston and also at the Full Ironman in Coeur d'Alene. It's unchartered territory - unfamiliar roads to run and bike, and swimming in open water, which I haven't gotten to do any of since last October at the Longhorn Half Ironman. It should make things interesting, and even moreso that it's in salt water. This will be my first salt water race swim, and I have to say, I'm not looking forward to it. But I guess it can't be any worse than some of the nasty lakes down here in Texas! At least I won't have SNAKES to worry about!

So this week will be "taper" week....a bit of a respite before the big race on Sunday. I'm not sure I will know what to do with myself. I may actually have time to think about all the things I haven't gotten to lately.

With that being said, if you want to track me on Sunday during the race, there should be athlete tracking set up here:

I am racer #1511. I've tracked people before, it's kinda fun to see the progress and cheer them on virtually! I dare you to count how many times you refresh your page as you track lol

The next two months after this weekend will be crunch time. No more time for screwing off, no more missing workouts. The longest runs/bikes/swims of the season are about to commence. And hopefully I'll be slimming down a bit!

Ironman is just 12 short weeks away! Now, if I can just find time to make the $*%@ travel arrangements!!!

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